Instead, they believe that the modern hanfu should incorporate modern aesthetics, including allowing some adjustments to the lengths of the attire or sleeves, despite following the general principles of Han Chinese clotings. However, this view was not accepted by all the Chinese people, such as Kang Youwei and Cheng Huanzhang. Thus, in the written by Cheng Huanzhang also wrote the Kongjiaolun, where he argued that the rufu was the clothing attire worn by the Confucianism religion priests. Kang Youwei thus wrote a controversial book in 1897, called Kongzi gaizhi kao《 孔子改制考》(lit. In Korea, the shenyi is called simui (Korean: 심의; Hanja: 深衣). 106-109 Male undergarments consisted of a white silk dujin (胴衣), a cross-collared upper garment closed left over right, and white silk trousers. 41-42 It typically has a silk belt which is tied closely around the waist and hips to prevent the garment from loosening; the position of the belt depends on the length of the garment. It is a high-waist robe and a belt (大帶; dadae) is tied to the simui. Although the robe and the shenyi are quite similar in structure, the main difference is that the shenyi often has a curved hem, while the robe typically has a straight hem.
The qujupao was a robe which was long enough to cover the ankles of its wearer; it has an overlapping front lapel which closed on the right side in a style called jiaoling youren; however, its right front piece was cut as a triangular front piece that crossed in front of the body and has rounded under hem. 16 The raojinshenyi is characterized by overlapping curved front lapel which is elongated enough to spiral around the entire body. Another version of the qujupao is raojinshenyi (Chinese: 繞襟深衣; lit. The simui is white and in terms of design, it has wide sleeves and is composed on an upper and lower part which is attached together (衣裳連衣; Uisangyeonui) at the waistline; the lower part has 12 panels which represents 12 months. The yi (衣, blouse) and chang (裳, skirt) of the shenyi is sewn together. The skirt under the tunic was worn only during formal occasions. 41 The raojinshenyi can have narrow sleeves or broad and loose sleeves. In 2003, a man named Wang Letian wore a DIY raojinshenyi on the streets. This definition of ren is narrow and particular, referring to the collar that runs from the neck to the ground.
While the translation relates to the idea of any sort of clothing from the different eras of rulers, the Chinese Hanfu that people are referring to today is in reference to a specific kind of garment. Identifying the specific portion known as ren is the main distinction between these two versions. He also listed 12 attributes which were associated with the religiosity of Confucianism: one of these attributes was about rufu, which according to him, was a specific form of attire consisting of the Confucian shenyi and a cap which had been designed by Confucius for his followers to wear. The seonbi in Joseon imitated the clothing attire designed by Zhu Xi, i.e. the shenyi and the literati hat. According to Huang Zongxi’s research, the scholar’s robe shenyi represented the transfer of literati political values instead of dynastic politics and imperial orthodoxy. He said that the scholar’s robe’s style and function exactly matched the “great implication” (da yi) of literati values.
The robe’s expanded bottom, known as xuren, was fashionable throughout the Ming dynasty and can be seen in numerous Ming paintings. During the rule of Queen Jindeok of Silla, Kim Chunchu personally travelled to the Tang dynasty to request for clothing and belts and voluntarily accepted the official uniform system of the Tang dynasty, which included the dallyeong among many other clothing items. These uniform cheongsams are in a plain color, hemmed just above the knee, with a close-fitting wool suit jacket of the same color as the cheongsam. The English loanword cheongsam comes from the hanfu(Chinese hanfu) chèuhngsàam, the Chinese clothing Cantonese pronunciation Chinese clothes, Asian clothes and oriental clothes the Chinese clothing Shanghainese term zǎnze or zansae (‘long shirt/dress’), by which is Chinese shirt or Chinese pants the Chinese clothing original tight-fitting form was the Chinese traditional costume and Chinese ancient dress first known. The dress is also embroidered with rich pattern motifs which tend to be floral, e.g. plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, peonies, and roses.
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